Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Review: Midori Days


Seiji is a high school student who's feared by his classmate due to his rough appearance and tendency to get into fights. This is extremely frustrating for Seiji because he really wants a girlfriend, but that's impossible when all the girls are afraid of him. Just when things look hopeless, one day Seiji wakes up and finds out his right hand has been replaced with a girl named Midori. This girl is actually his secret admirer and they get to know each other as they try to get Midori back in her rightful body 


So yeah, this anime is a bit on the strange side. At the root of it all, it's you typical rom-com; boy meet girls, they go on some wacky adventure, and they fall in love. But this show adds a interesting twist in that Seiji and Midori get to know each other, while she is literally his right hand. They are really cute together but the whole hand thing kind creeped me out to the point that I felt like a wasn't completely for the two as a couple at first. But as time grew, I began to like them more and more. I thought it was endearing how the couple starts off as one sided. From the get-go, it's Midori who likes Seiji and even though Seiji is desperate for a girlfriend, he's hesitant to just go with the situation because, well, she's his hand. You actually get to seem them fall for each other, in a genuine way. And even Midori, who is obsessed with Seiji to begin with develops more authentic feeling for him as the anime runs its course. My favorite thing  about the anime though had to be Seiji. I always tends to fall for the hard on the outside, soft on the inside characters but Seiji  goes beyond that. It's not like he's tsundere; his character is just misunderstood. Yes, he fights and sometimes gets mixed up with the wrong crowd, but it's never really his fault. He's always standing up and defending people, but it mistakenly looks like senseless fighting. And I think it's really interesting how when Midori replaces Seiji's hand, it just happens to be his right hand; the one he fights with. It almost seems like there is some type underlying "violence is never the answer" message in this anime,  I just can't fully pinpoint it.

On thing I really didn't like about this anime however was the random nudity. I understand that because Midori is Seiji hand, something is bound to slip every now and then but the nudity just seemed too intense for such a easy going show. It wasn't bad enough to get me to stop watching, it just seemed out of place.

Overall this anime get two thumbs up from me just based on the fact that it was able to pump life into your basic romantic comedy plot and I definitely think it is worth watching.

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